速報APP / 娛樂 / Passport 2017

Passport 2017



檔案大小:85.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:法文, 英語

Passport 2017(圖1)-速報App

The only app you need to discover, experience and celebrate Canada 150.

In 2017, Canada turns 150. Stay up to date on all the celebrations with Passport 2017, your go-to event discovery app and the official hub for all sesquicentennial fun from coast to coast to coast. Find events in your area, access daily articles on all things Canadian—from ketchup chips to hockey heroes, Anne of Green Gables to Margaret Atwood—and save your favourites as you make your plans. From music festivals to lobster suppers to 360-degree film screenings, we’ve got the goods on all the year’s can’t-miss happenings. Plus, you can personalize the app according to your unique set of interests to zero in on the stuff that matters to you. This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.


Passport 2017(圖2)-速報App

-Find festivals, events and activities in your area

-Get a curated newsfeed tailored to your unique interests

-Discover original content every day

Passport 2017(圖3)-速報App

-Save events in your calendar and bookmark stories for later

-Browse articles from top Canadian writers on food, travel, culture, sports and more

Passport 2017(圖4)-速報App
